Impact Sharing on Reveals Urgent Need for Solar Financing
Lassor Feasley
July 24, 2024

We recently launched a new feature on that allows our users to share a summary of the impact they’ve created via a link to a public webpage. Many have chosen to share this link with professional colleagues on their LinkedIn profiles.

After seeing these LinkedIn posts, some solar developers from the Global South mistakenly assumed our users were international investors who might fund their projects. Although this misunderstanding was easily corrected, it highlighted the urgency of our work at

In many Global North regions, investors are eager to partner with solar developers, hoping to join their next project financing. However, in the markets we serve in the Global South, there are significant barriers to fundraising that prevent good projects from being built.

Many CEOs and managers of Indian and African solar development companies I speak with cannot focus their time on their expertise and passion—building high-impact, low-cost solar projects. Instead, they spend most of their time seeking funds from elusive international investors. It’s understandable that some of them would see one of our user’s public profiles and want to learn more.

We aim to raise billions of dollars through to become a scalable source of financing for solar developers like these. This way, they can spend more time building impactful solar projects and less time searching for investors on LinkedIn and other platforms.

To date, we’ve raised about $150,000 to further this cause—a far cry from what we need to move the needle and accelerate the climate transition across the Global South. You can help achieve this mission by investing via and sharing it with your friends and family.