Invest in solar projects in Rwanda
Make a non-profit investment in solar energy in Rwanda, avoid climate change, and get paid back monthly, over five years. You don't earn interest on, but dollar for dollar its the highest carbon impact investment available.
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Talk to us about Global South solar investing & its impact and earnings.
What happens when I invest?
Your repayments are generated by solar projects like these.

Invest in Global South solar, then track your impact and repayments.

Each $25 investment in the Renewables Fund is a Panel. Over five years, we invest your money with solar developers who pay you back with revenue earned by operating sites like the ones pictured.

What is a Panel?

A Panel is a $25 share of the Renewables Fund. When you invest in a Panel, we lend your money to Global South solar developers. They pay the Fund back, and the fund in turn pays you back monthly.

Panels do not represent a financial stake in an individual solar project.

More about repayments

Your repayments are earned by operating solar projects managed by the developers we lend to. Repayments come from the sale of renewable energy across our portfolio.

Repayments are drawn from the Renewables Fund, not individual projects.